A Story About Faith, Luck, Winning, Fate & Destiny
This is a quick story about a woman in San Diego who had some faith, a lot of good luck, being blessed with winning a large amount of money and her fate and destiny.
This story is about me, Laurie McNellen Bowen, a woman who was nineteen (19) years old when my life changed dramatically!
This story is NOT just about me... it's about the things that happened to me after I won $50,000 and how it changed my destiny and fate... and how my winning brought new people into my world of existence.
This story is also about the future and how we can use certain strategies and concepts to bring about the same positive events in the lives of others.
If you like these types of stories, please read on... and I hope and pray that you'll be inspired.
If you like what I'm proposing, please take a few minutes and read about our Gambling Club, some examples of other large winners that we know... like Mr. Barton who won $100,000 from CA Big Spin AND $400,000 from a Hershey's Corporation contest... some testimonials from Members and info on how we operate.
We've tried to keep everything very very simple and easy so it's very convenient to participate.... and at the same time... fun to be part of our Club!
First, A Few Definitions If You Don't Mind
Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
Example: "this restores one's faith in politicians
Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.
Example: "it was just luck that the first ticket won"
The development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.
Example: "fate decided her course for her"
The events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.
A predetermined course of events.
It may be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual
Working At May Company Parkway Plaza San Diego: My Fate?
When I was nineteen and going to college at Grossmont College in San Diego, I decided to earn extra money and apply for a retail job.
Was it fate that I choose to work at May Company at Parkway Plaza in San Diego?
Was it fate that during my lunch break I was walking in the Mall and decided to fill out an entry form for a $100,000 Radio Station Contest?
5 Minutes Of Time Changed My Life Forever!
During my lunch break at Many Company, I was walking in the Mall and decided to fill out an entry form for a $100,000 Radio Station Contest?
I said the same thing that everyone else says when they fill out an entry form... "it sure would be nice to win but, I'm sure the odds are against me winning."
I filled out the form, and as I walked away I asked the Lord Almighty if he would bless me with winning.
I had faith but I was fully aware that our Lord above does things in mysterious ways so I focused on my school studies (a major in television news and journalism) and my job at May Company.
Mysterious "Stalkers" At My Job
After filling out the entry form for the $100,000 contest at the Mall, approximately two months had passed and to be honest with you, I forgot all about the contest.
While working one day at May Company, I had this uneasy feeling that someone was watching me and following me.
My suspicions were confirmed when I noticed two men talking together and pointing at me.
I wasn't sure if I should run or yell for help.
After staring at each other for a few minutes... and me "frozen" in place and not moving... the two men introduced themselves to me... they were from KCBQ Radio Station in Santee.. which was the Radio Station entry form that I filled out a couple months earlier!
5 Minutes Of My Time Equaled $50,000
As you have probably imagined already, the two men from the Radio Station informed me that I had won half of the $100,000 from the KCBQ Radio Station Contest!
They wanted me to visit the Radio Station so I could fill out some forms and collect my winnings!
So, to look back, the five minutes I spent on filling out the entry form for the $100,000 Radio Station Contest... was valued at $50,000!
Not bad for a few minutes of my time!!! : )
Here is a photo of me at the Radio Station accepting my winnings
My Future... A.K.A. My Destiny... And My Life's Path
Needless to say, many things happened to me from that point on.
I quit my job at May Company so I could focus on my television news and journalism.
I purchased some "things" with my winnings.... like shoes, a new wardrobe, a car etc.
As for jobs, I've worked in many different industries and sectors after I left college, most of them very interesting and rewarding.
Regarding relationships, I dated a few, "select" men, after winning my money but, most of them wanted me to "take care of them" so I ended the relationships fairly quick.
I found my "soulmate" while working at a publishing company in San Diego and we've been together now for over thirty-six (36) years!
We've had four incredible children (now all adults) and the most beautiful (and funny and smart) granddaughter you could ever ask for!
We've had our "ups and downs" in life but, I'm most thankful to our Lord Almighty because he not only blessed me with some money but, more importantly, he blessed me with the opportunity to be with the man I want to spend eternity with... and children and a granddaughter that appreciate me and love me!
That's all I could ever ask for! : )
The Next "Big Thing": Is It My Destiny?
Since I've been so blessed in my life, I believe it's my destiny to help others have the same level of success and satisfaction as I have... and hopefully a lot more!
How do I do that?
After numerous conversations and brainstorming sessions with my husband, we came up with the idea of running our own Gambling and Lottery Club.
We liked the idea of the "glamour" that goes along with winning a large Jackpot.
We also liked the idea that the amount of winnings could be very very large and the larger winnings would enable us to help a lot of people a lot more quickly.
Since a lot of people already play the Lottery on a regular basis, we knew that there was an established "market" and there was room to grow globally (otherwise known as "scaling")
We believe we had everything we needed so we went to the "startup" stage.
The Results: Lucky Intl & Laurie's Lotteri Club
We took our Gambling and Lottery Club concept and starting putting it together about ten years ago.
We tested many different formats and then we implemented our first system.
We invited Lottery Players to join us and we would do all the work for them
At one point in time, we were up to twenty (20) Players and they were paying for lottery tickets for the games of PowerBall, MegaMillions and SuperLotto Plus every week.
The only drawback at the time was that we were doing everything manually.
My husband was doing all the work and he was making numerous trips to the supermarket every week to buy the lottery tickets and it was a lot of work for us.
We learned a lot from that "test" and now we've made some changes and improved upon our system.
The Next Evolution
Our new and improved Gambling and Lottery Club is now available on this website.
Please take a few minutes and read about our Club and how we operate.
Our Lottery Club includes the following for you:
Laurie's Story on how she won $50,000 (see above)
Info on large winners that we know including Mr. Barton who won $100,000 from CA Big Spin AND $400,000 from a Hershey's Corporation contest
Testimonials from Lottery Members
Information on how our Lottery Club works, how we reduce risk for all Players, how we protect all Players and how we increase everyone's odds of winning
And a shopping section for gambling and Lottery related merchandise.
Thanks For Reviewing My Story... Join Us If You Can
I hope you had fun reading my story and you're encouraged by what we're working on.
Please feel "sign up" below so you can receive my updates on what's going on in our Lottery Club.
Also, if you have questions, and we haven't answered them in our FAQ section, please e-mail me and I'll try my best to answer you... just give me some time to get back to you please.
Mrs. Laurie McNellen Bowen